360° feedback consulting

Preparing and conducting effective 360°.

Written by Karine Arnaud

Publication: July 2021 by Gereso



Over the last few years, 360° feedback tools went through vast democratization. But are they wisely used? Not always. Because of their perceived ease of implementation, they don’t always get the attention they deserve. Which means that the return on investment is jeopardized.

"Preparing and conducting an effective 360° feedback goes through all the stages of a 360° feedback project: the choice of tool, the framing of the project, the communication, the implementation, the development of leadership skills and the accreditation of coaches.

The author generously shares her international experience by detailing best practices and potential red flags at each step. Many real-life anecdotes are livening up the theory.

More than a guide, this user manual is anchored in today’s business environment and therefore addresses the challenge of remote delivery of activities. It enables managers, teams and businesses to develop the leadership competencies needed for their mutual success.


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