If you envision an expanded or intense use of 360° feedback tools across your company, you may be thinking of training your own internal resources on how to deliver impactful 360° feedback sessions.
This allows you to save budget allocated to feedback sessions.
Beyond the financial benefit, training your HR teams on how to deliver impactful 360° feedback sessions is a very effective way to upskill your HR team members and your HR function as a whole.
By displaying more coaching behaviors, HR team members increase and maximize their support of the people and the business.
360 Success training on 360° feedback sessions facilitation is twofold:
360 Success delivers
These two topics can be addressed simultaneously or separately depending on your needs and priorities.
Workshops are available in face-to-face format and have been designed for a stimulating facilitator-led remotely delivered experience.
Knowledge is not enough to be a good coach.
It’s vital for for any future 360° feedback coach to live the whole experience themselves: experiencing this little twinge in the stomach before opening a 360° feedback report and discovering their own results is crucial for coaches to develop their empathetic approach.
Your HR participants will have their own feedback session delivered by 360 Success as an opportunity to observe best practices before being trained themselves on how to do it.
360 Success is here to help you develop your HR skills.