360° feedback consulting

Get more

out of your 360° feedbacks

in your use
of 360° feedback

360 Success, enhancing your 360° feedback practices

Where do you stand today and how can you progress?

No matter where you stand today in your use of 360°, there is always a way forward to further increase the impact your 360° have on your people, on your teams and on your organization as a whole.

360 Success will guide you to develop your maturity at a pace that suits you by analyzing with you how in your company:

  • Creates trust in 360° feedbacks and makes such tools available to users.
  • Promotes 360° feedbacks to foster and maximize adoption and use.
  • Develops a strategy to integrate 360° feedbacks into your HR life cycle and other HR processes.
  • Takes a step back and ensures that 360° feedback continues to strengthen success of your managers, of your teams and of your business as a whole.

How does it work?

Very simple! We meet, you explain how things are going for you with 360° feedbacks and what you want to achieve.

Tell us what you would like to see changed and we will propose solutions to get there.

You want to optimize your 360° feedbacks?

360 Success is here to help your organization grow.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
