Reach new horizons with
your 360° feedbacks
The mission of 360 Success is to support HR in their 360° feedback projects to ensure that relevant changes in behaviours are achieved and thus to improve the leadership of managers, of teams and of companies as a whole.
This is the starting point for your return on investment.
Whether you want to enhance or challenge your current practices or simply introduce 360° feedback tools for the first time in your company, 360 Success will support you where needed.
360 Success is not intended to be a provider of 360° feedback tools.
We prefer to focus on where the real difference is made.
Our focus is on creating the conditions for success: creating trust, communicating broadly, agreeing on a process, building HR capabilities, delivering feedback sessions, ensuring implementation of development plans, etc.
Success is primarily driven by what companies implement around the 360° feedback tool itself to ensure change of leadership behaviors and skills.
Our deliberate decision of not having any 360° tool to sell serves a as guarantee of neutrality and objectivity of advice and recommendations we may give you.
We can guide you when choosing the 360° feedback tool that will meet your needs.
Just like the parhelion, 360° feedback places people at the core of the overall process. It seeks unusual, and potentially unexpected insights.
360° feedback requires people to be open to these insights and to act upon them.
These new insights act as multiple reflections of ourselves.